How Micro Therapy Can Enhance Your Mental Wellbeing

So, if you’re looking to boost your mental health game without rearranging your whole life, micro therapy is your jam. Check out Therapy Central—they’ve got certified experts ready to give you the best support, tailored just for you.

You can go in-person or opt for teletherapy—

whatever suits your style. And here’s the kicker: micro therapy isn’t some separate thing from your daily grind. It’s all about seamlessly blending what you learn into your everyday routine, making those mental health gains stick.

Research backs it up too. 

Studies show that these quick therapy sessions can really move the needle on issues like depression and anxiety. Even though it’s short, micro therapy still builds a strong bond between you and your therapist. That trust is key to making progress, no matter how quick the session.

And here’s the scoop: 

if you’re already doing traditional therapy, a mental health counselor in Texas Can be a great sidekick. It fills in the gaps between your regular sessions, giving you that extra boost when life gets extra tricky.

Be Creative—Endless Possibilities: 

Explore diverse micro habit possibilities for mental health improvement. From expanding your vocabulary to making healthier snack choices, discover how creativity can enhance your overall well-being. Embrace the idea that small, consistent changes lead to significant results.

While the provided micro habits are just a starting point, they offer a foundation for improving mental health. A famous doctor – Dr. Steven Gannon, recommends incorporating these simple behaviors into your routine and gradually increasing their frequency.

Here is a micro-healing list to help you get started:

Mindfulness Activities

  • 5 Minute Journaling to express your thoughts, give gratitude and set goals for the day
  • Listening to upbeat music for 10 minutes
  • 5-minute belly breath will help with relaxation
  • Adult coloring for 10 minutes which will help reduce stress and anxiety
  • 10-minute meditation
  • Working on a crossword puzzle for 10 minutes helps improve memory and brain health
  • Reading a passage of an uplifting or motivating book for 10 minutes
  • Turning off all electronics 10 minutes before bedtime
  • Writing a gratitude list for 5 minutes
  • Sitting in silence for 10 minutes
  • Taking 5 minutes to burn a candle and say an affirmation

Physical Activities

  • 10-minute yoga
  • 15-minute walk outside
  • 5 pushups
  • 10 jumping jacks
  • 10 standing squats
  • Playing ping pong for 10 minutes
  • Petting an animal for 10 minutes
  • 5-minute self-massage
  • Nutrition and Vitamins
  • Taking 15 minutes to make a lunch that incorporates non-processed whole foods
  • Taking Vitamin D (with supplementation or sunlight) to boost mood
  • Taking L-theanine Amino Acid, which helps with focus and relaxation
  • Drinking green tea during the day for a natural boost in energy level
  • Taking a probiotic to help with gut health which can affect your mood
  • Taking melatonin before bed to help you sleep better
  • Take 5 minutes to drink a full glass of water and detox the body
  • Eating meals without being in front of a screen (no computer, tablet, or television)

Other Ideas

  • Take 15 minutes to write a letter to someone that hurt you, but don’t send the letter- burn it or put it away
  • If needed, take 15 minutes to cry (this is a way to express emotional release)
  • Sing your favorite song out loud in the shower
  • Take 5 minutes to write out what you are proud of yourself for
  • Write on a sticky note, “I love you” or “I am enough” then stick it to your bathroom mirror- read it every morning
  • Rub pleasant-smelling lotion on your hands or entire body

For example, you may wake up, brush your teeth, and say, “I Am Enough” while looking in the mirror. Then, later after lunch, you may stand near your desk and do 10 squats and 10 jumping jacks to get your body moving. The idea is to be intentional about adding little injections of tasks that make your body and mind feel good.


Microhealing is a small yet powerful part of the overall healing journey. Whether you have gone through a significant traumatic event or a life change or are just facing small daily challenges, micro-healing can help. It does not take long, is mostly free, and will bring more feelings of peace, satisfaction, and contentment into your daily life.

Let me know if you are using mental health services Texas throughout your day and how it has affected your life.

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Therapy Central

The Therapy Central in Arlington, Virginia, helps individuals, couples, and families feel better by using therapies that have been proven to work. Check out our official website for more details and We are awaiting your contact!

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